Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hey...whats a really good and fast way to clear your skin?? [cheap is better] lol?

i really dont want to spend to much and if i have a special event, i want to make sure i have clear skin. ex. picture day i always tend to get a huge blemish! could u guys help??

Hey...whats a really good and fast way to clear your skin?? [cheap is better] lol?
sea breeze astrinqent 0riqinal f0rmula.. read the reviews =)~ i swear by it
Reply:the oil and dirt mix on your skin to form blemishes... clean your face REALLY well! I like to use rubbing alcohol sometimes, but that dries out my skin so I always use moisturizer afterwards
Reply:get a new face
Reply:ok so i have kinda oily skin so i use neutrogean skin pads with moisture strips! they work really well and cost like 5.50
Reply:proactive is good
Reply:"On a clear day" skin care line

its by Philosophy

Availible at Sephora and at

i use it and it works GREAT !

Reply:if you have a certain problem area, you can use antibiotic ointment such as neosporen
Reply:Clearasil, or proactive. wash face regularly.
Reply:My mother uses a daily face wash twice a day and afterwards uses hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball the way a person would use an astringent. just wet cotton ball and swipe all over face/problem areas.

it works for her, but everyone's skin is different.

Hydrogen peroxide can be found in the medical section of drug stores, it comes in a brown plastic bottle, and is extremely cheap at $1 for a 16oz bottle.

best wishes!
Reply:1.drink milk everyday.

2.scrub your skin with coco milk.

3.if you afford go to your derma...

4.balance diet,eat lot of vege. less cholesterol...

Reply:Cover the blemish with a dab of honey and place a Band-Aid over it. Honey kills the bacteria, keeps the skin sterile, and speeds healing. Works overnight.
Reply:Drink a lot of water, and exercise. Trust me. Also, moisturize and use sunscreen! The sun isn't only bad for your skin, it induces breakouts. The one thing NOT to do is to use excessive cleaning products or things that will dry out your skin too much because then your skin will try to produce more oils to compensate--more oils=more breakouts. But really, drinking water and working out helps a ton.

As far as cheap being better, I'd try to go to a dermatologist if I were you. Your skin is yours for life, I don't know why you wouldn't want to spend money on it, of anything you could spend money on.
Reply:Cetaphil makes awesome cleansers and moisturizers and their inexpensive! Also Neutrogena has a great line of products also somewhat inexpensive, that I buy for my teenager that are good. Either one is great and you can buy them anywhere.
Reply:green wintergreen rubbing alcohol..its about 80 cents a bottle at walgreens
Reply:Drinking plenty of water helps. Just make a habit of it. At least 2 liters a day. This will cause for you to have minor breakouts when you start because your skin will be clearing itself and getting rid of the impurities. But this will help your overall health, not just your skin.
Reply:well i cant help you but send your question to this email address:

this person helps alot!!!!!it so kool.n this is no computer this is good!
Reply:Avon has a blemish gel called Clearskin® Immediate Response Spot Treatment . This gel works STAT but be careful it tends to dry the applied area. Simply apply to the blemish and not the surrounding skin otherwise you will find yourself treating a dry spot.

Find your local Avon rep or go to
Reply:Believe it or not if you want to take the redness out of a blemish and make it shrink dab a small amount of minty toothpaste (non tartar control) on the blemish before you go to bed. I used to use it as a kid (i am 38 now) and I still use it occasionally. To keep it clear, keep your hair off your face. Keep your hands off you face. Keep makeup to a minimum and use water based products. Wash your face in the morning with a gentle soap and again before you go to bed. Eat right, exercise, and drink plenty of water. If you have really oily skin like the other recommended a little alcohol or witch hazel will work wonders. Now if you can figure out how to get my 13 year old daughter to listen to me about keep her skin clear then we are in business.

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